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Competition Travel Grants

Annual Competition Travel Grant Procedures


Region 4 has allocated travel grants for the the annual competition season, defined by January 1 - December 31. As

per the approved regionally sponsored competition schedule, the competitions eligible for grants are as follows:

     ●Competitions held in the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, or Texas

The travel grant application, award, and processing procedures are listed below:

     1. Region 4 Clubs who are traveling with horses to one of the specified competitions may apply for a travel grant. To be eligible for the travel grant, a Region 4 Club must be in good standing with the Region and the EVUSA (e.g. must be current with EVUSA), and complete all their required volunteer units for the specific competition.

     2. Clubs may apply for only one travel grant during each annual competition season.

     3. Applications will be accepted for each competition as soon as entries open, and the cutoff date for applying will be the same as the close of entries for that specific competition.

     4. Grants information and web-based application will be found on the Region 4 website (application link below).

     5. The grant amount awarded per club traveling with horses for distances at least 250 miles each way or 500 miles round trip will be $300.

     6. Grant checks will be dispersed within 2 weeks after the competition provided all above criteria in item number 1 have been met.

Educational Travel Grant Procedures

Region 4 will support educational endeavors designed to grow the sport of vaulting within Region 4, as follows:

     ●Educational events held in the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, or Texas

The travel grant application, award, and processing procedures are listed below:

     1. Region 4 members who are traveling with or without horses to an educational or informational event may apply for a travel grant. To be eligible for the travel grant, a Region 4 member must be in good standing with the Region and the EVUSA (e.g. must be current with EVUSA).

     2. Educational travel grants may be applied for and awarded up to 3 times annually.

     3. Applications will be accepted no less than 1 month prior to the educational event and the board must be allowed to review the grant for at least 2 weeks.

     4. Grants information and web-based application will be found on the Region 4 website (application link below).

     5. The grant amount awarded per club traveling with horses will be determined based on the total miles traveled by all eligible applicants who have applied for a grant for a specific event.

     6. The amount awarded will not exceed $0.50 per mile.

     7. Grant checks will be dispersed within 2 weeks after the competition provided all above criteria in item number 1 have been met.

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